How to Add or Delete Multiple Transactions in QuickBooks

QuickBooks Online Banking Services can save you data entry time by enabling you to add multiple transactions at once. To add or delete multiple transactions, follow these steps:

  1. In the Online Banking Center, click the Add Transactions to QuickBooks button.
  2. In the Add Transactions to QuickBooks dialog box, click the Add Multiple button.
  3. If you choose, in the No. field, you can add a transaction number.
  4. Click the Payee field to select the payee from your QuickBooks lists.
  5. Click the Account field to select the account from your QuickBooks chart of accounts.
  6. If you plan to track classes in your data file, select the Class field and choose a class.
  7. To select all the transactions, place a checkmark in the Renamed or Unmatched boxes. If not selected, you can manually add or remove individual checkmarks for individual items you want to add to your financial institution register.
  8. Leave the default checkmark in Select All Matched, and QuickBooks Online Banking removes these “matched” transactions from future downloads.
  9. (Optional) Click the checkboxes to add or remove individual checkmarks.
  10. Click Add Selected to add the selected transactions to your QuickBooks register for this financial institution.
  11. If you click Cancel, you will be given the choice to keep or discard your changes to the transactions.

–> Note: You can also delete selected transactions. After they are deleted, those transactions will no longer be included in future downloads. Click the Select Items to Delete button and place a checkmark next to those transactions you want to remove.

From Laura Madeira’s QuickBooks 2013 In Depth
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